Explain whether the problem exists in a personal or professional context. Describe any cultural influences that may have caused or contributed to the problem.

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Subject: Do My assignment

Read Chapter 5: Taking Action and Leading Change of the course textbook, One Step at a Time: A Roadmap for Problem Solving & Making a Difference.
Review A Closer Look: Week 5: Social Responsibility and Change Agency.
Read Writing an Executive SummaryLinks to an external site..
Review the Model Executive Summary Download Model Executive Summary.
Review all the feedback you received over the last four weeks.
Download the Executive Summary Template Download Executive Summary Template
Problem: High turnover Rate of Daycare Employees
Problem Statement: The problem is that local daycares, especially within
the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) area face a higher than usual turnover of
their employees, resulting in a shortage of devoted staff who would work there
over more extended periods. Stability is crucial in the daycare industry, and
while this is problematic it happens at all levels from directors to other day-to-day employees.

-In the Problem Section:
Describe the problem using the 5W1H method.
Write the problem statement.
-In the Background overview Section:
Explain whether the problem exists in a personal or professional context.
Describe any cultural influences that may have caused or contributed to the problem.
Evaluate the urgency of the problem.
Explain why you think the problem is important.
-In the Research Results Section:
Share the results of your theoretical investigation and data collection.
Share the results of your examination of sources for bias and trustworthiness.
Share the results of the interviews you conducted about the problem.
– In the Potential Solutions Section:
Describe at least two potential solutions.
Assess the realistic expectations to implement either solution.
Evaluate the benefits and barriers to each solution.
Identify the preferred solution and explain the choice
– In the Recommendations Section:
Briefly describe your action plan to implement the solution.
Explain how you can serve as a change agent for this problem.
Describe the degree of change you can reasonably expect to achieve.
Discuss how you can motivate others to be agents of change for this problem.

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