What specific lesson did you learn about the historical era in which the piece was created?

Words: 222
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Part 1:Which piece/ artist did you find most interesting in this chapter…why?

In three separate paragraphs, use respond to these three prompts:

1) How does your chosen piece connect to a theme in the reading material?

2) What specific lesson did you learn about the historical era in which the piece was created?

3) Take two art terms and use it to describe the visual aspect of your chosen piece.

Part 2: What has been most surprising from the art of this period? Do you see a relationship between the way that art (visual and literary) changed relative to the changes in the world such as the production of automobile, airplanes, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and colonialism? THEN look for, explain, and upload an example of contemporary art that does something similar with changes in the world today

*I have the link to the text.*

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