Explore healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

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Discussion Forum 4

Some factors that increase a man’s risk of developing injury or disease are out of his control. We cannot choose our own genetics, and people who are impoverished cannot simply choose not to be. We can choose what we eat, when and how we exercise, and many other things that affect health outcomes. Explore healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Choose one of each and explain what actions a man could perform to incorporate the healthy behavior and mitigate the unhealthy behavior.

Textbook Readings
Chapter 1 in Flynn, et al., Concepts of Fitness and Wellness

Required Readings
Baker, J. (2012). Determinants of health, risk factors, and prevention. Lumen Learning.
Healthy People 2030. (n.d.). Social determinants of health.
Buettner, D. (2009, September). How to live to be 100+ [Video]. TED.
Matthews, M. (2020, September 30). Nine things people in blue zones do to live longer. Men’s Health.

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