What are some of the things that would make white people uncomfortable when it comes to talking about the issues of race, police, and inequality?

Words: 268
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

create a paper that answers the following questions
>What does it actually mean to center Black women’s experiences of police violence? Why have Black women’s experiences continually been silenced when it comes to police abuse and misconduct?

–>What are some of the things that would make white people uncomfortable when it comes to talking about the issues of race, police, and inequality? How might this connect to the concept of white fragility?

Statements will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (a) an introduction that distinctly states your topic and why it is important; (b) responses should have a logical flow with supporting evidence from the readings; (c) a succinct sociological/criminological critique of the pertinent issues; (d) cited in APA or ASA (e) and all papers should be typed, NO MORE than two-pages double spaced. Statements that exceed or fall significantly below or above the required page length will lose points. Each of the two-page statements are worth 5-points, for a total of 50-points. Please do not simply summarize the readings or provide your opinion without textual evidence.

please use the three attached files for citations

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