Write a paper that explains gender dysphoria and includes your ideas and knowledge about the disorder.

Words: 117
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a paper that explains gender dysphoria and includes your ideas and knowledge about the disorder.
All papers must contain a proper left-aligned heading (your name, course, date) and a title (that is centered below the heading)
Essays should be at least 3-5 paragraphs
An academic paragraph must contain at least 3 sentences
Indent the first line of all paragraphs using the TAB key
Double-spaced ONLY (including between the header, title, and paragraphs)

12 point font ONLY
New Times Roman or Calabria font ONLY
Students may not submit course work from other classes
Written work is graded on its originality, content, clarity, and proper use of APA references/citations if they are required (direct quotes, statistical data, specific dated events).
All papers must contain proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
All citations, in-text and work cited page, should be in proper APA format.
All papers must be submitted in the form of a Word Doc

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