Write a research paper outlining the five strategies for stress management.

Words: 278
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a research paper outlining the five strategies for stress management.After reading the material, participate in the discussion assignment.
Intro to Healthy Habits:
Stress and Your Span of Control:

How Stress Works:
And links “How Eustress is Your Friend,” “Five Surprising Ways that Stress Affects Your Brain,” and “How to Make Stress Your Friend.”
Diet, Exercise and Stress and links: 1 hour 30 min.
“Eight Foods that Impact Stress” and “Get Moving to Manage Stress.”
Reduce Your Stressors:
This is one of my favorite assignments, and it also gives you an opportunity to earn extra credit. Share and summarize a stress reduction tip with your classmates. Share a citation where you gained the information from and summarize the activity. Your post should be a short paragraph.
If you give a creative answer, not listen to music or exercise (everyone says that), you can earn 5 extra credit points. Impress me enough and it will be 10.
Do not only comment “Great idea!” or “I like this.” Full points will not be earned for this. Instead, share your experience with the same technique or ask relevant detailed questions.
You must create your initial reply to be able to view your fellow students’ posts.

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