Explain what type of limiting factor it would be (Intrinsic/Extrinsic and Density Dependent/Density Independent).

Instructions As we learned about Populations: Characteristics and Issues in Environmental Science. Write a paper on Invasive Species. Answer the questions below. Use proper APA. Step 1: Read the attached article about “Limiting Factors”. Step 2: Describe an Invasive Species. Locate a reliable internet source about an invasive species you find interesting. Answer the following information: • scientific name of the species, • a descriiption of the species, • explanation of the problems it has caused, • where the invasive species originated and how it was relocated to a new area. Step 3: Discuss Limiting Factors. Answer the following information: • Describe how invasive species could be considered a limiting factor. • Explain what type of limiting factor it would be (Intrinsic/Extrinsic and Density Dependent/Density Independent). Be sure to give your reasons why you have selected the type of limiting factor you decide on.

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