Write a final essay for politics class and this is the topic (intro, paragraphs, conclusion): What led to sociopolitical thinking of Czechs (how were Czechs influenced by their history = these are some notes, professor mentioned and can be useful to mention: (1918(establishing of CZSK),1939(Germany invaded Poland),1968

Assignment Question

Write a final essay for politics class and this is the topic (intro, paragraphs, conclusion): What led to sociopolitical thinking of Czechs (how were Czechs influenced by their history = these are some notes, professor mentioned and can be useful to mention: (1918(establishing of CZSK),1939(Germany invaded Poland),1968(warshaw pact invading),1990(end of the cold war), 1993(sovereign cz)) the Husak rebelion, Jan Hus was a profeesor at Charles University (1348) he was sent to Constanz and he was burnt alive = his followers risen up, Jan Žižka (iconic person) he never lost a battle, he came together with Husits and fought with them against Catholics, normalisation, privatisation, restitution, Husakovi deti (1970)

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