Discuss the effect that organizational structure can have on an organization’s culture.

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Pages: 1
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Discuss the effect that organizational structure can have on an organization’s culture.(organizational behavior ) complete a personal assessment assignment of the ten key points that seem most relative to you, and describe why you feel they are the most important. Your ten key points should be bulleted with your explanation of why you feel each point is important 1.How do smart people make smart decisions? 2.The psychology of communicating effectively in a digital world 3.The Difference between a Group and a Team 4.Building a psychologically safe workplace 5.The Power of Listening 6. Why Cultivating Power is the Secret to Success 7. the effect that organizational structure can have on an organization’s culture 8.Cultural Diversity in the WorkPlace 9. the challenges associated with managing diverse cultures 10.The psychology of communicating effectively in a digital world

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