The essential format for this paper, 5-7 pages, double-spaced, & properly formatted citations (IN APA FORMAT) RESEARCH QUESTION FOR THIS PAPER: What were the consequences of [Housing Conditions/Laws in NYC]? How did it affect or contribute to other events, developments, or society? How did it change things/culture/people? A: Intro (MAKE AN INTRO), to end with thesis statement (PROVIDED BELOW). ** THESIS STATEMENT (DON’T PUT ANYTHING ELSE AS THE THESIS STATEMENT)**: The Housing Conditions/Laws in New York City in the 1900s significantly influenced community development through the provision of basic facilities, elimination of Public Health disparities, and quality construction of houses. B: Background of subject. ** During the tenement high immigration increased the population in New York City contributing to housing problems. Consequently, people resorted to poorly constructed houses in areas of poor condition areas. Over time New York City developed poor-condition slums with accommodating immigrants (Nigro, 2018). The new housing laws impacted the quality of new housing constructions and sparked community developments including water provision. The photographs of the exterior and interior views of the buildings and sanitary facilities informed legislation of improving the immigrants’ living conditions. ** C: Main points – with evidence, examples, analysis and connection to thesis statement. (MAIN POINTS ARE PROVIDED, please expand more on it) Main Point A: Improved quality of housing construction Topic Sentence: The NYC Housing Conditions/Laws regulated the quality of new housing constructions in the city. During the tenement period, people constructed houses quickly and poorly contributing to poor conditions (Horne, 2023). The photography illustrated the quality of construction contributing to the poor conditions of the people. The laws eliminated the self-built squatter shacks and substandard cabins and used the space to construct better housing. Main Point B: Stimulated Public Health Action Topic sentence: The Housing Laws/Conditions addressed the public health issues associated with poor housing conditions. Poor housing conditions posed significant public health issues to tenants including mental problems, respiratory infections due to poor aeration, physical injuries, and lead poisoning (Krieger & Higgins, 2022). During the tenement, the Housing laws targeted the crowding, inadequate ventilation, and poor sanitation in NYC slums. Main Point C. It influenced social culture and people Topic sentence: The housing laws influenced the social architecture promoting the living conditions and arrangements of the people. New high-rise houses were no longer affordable to lower-class and immigrant people, and some moved out to Brooklyn (Plunz, 1990). The housing laws led to the provision of first water and water closets to households. D: Conclusion (MAKE A CONCLUSION)- a summary a revisit, even a fresh take on all of the above content – the para you leave the jury with. ** WORD DOC FILE PROVIDED ON HOW TO DO THE CONCLUSION ** References/Works Cited page (Sources I choose to use for this Outline/Research Project) 1st Source: Nigro, C. (2018, June 7). Tenement homes: The outsized legacy of New York’s notoriously cramped apartments. The New York Public Library. 2nd Source: Krieger, J., & Higgins, D. L. (2002). Housing and health: time again for public health action. American journal of public health, 92(5), 758–768. 3rd Source: Horne, M. (2023, August 24). Photos reveal shocking conditions of tenement slums in late 1800s. 4th Source: Plunz, R. (1990). History of Housing in New York City (Revised). Columbia University Press **PLEASE ONLY USE THESE SOURCES ONLY** ** RUBRIC FOR HOW THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE GRADED IS PROVIDED IN FILES ** Notes from Teacher: “keep focused on the tenement period and don’t come up to the present, or it will be too much.” “be sure to maintain this time period as your overall focus; going too much beyond, say, the early 1900s will just become too much to give a good deep analysis.” Tips for Incorporating Research Material Into Your Paper Figuring out how to incorporate information and quotes from your research into your writing can be tricky. Below is a portion from a webpage you might find useful – giving you direction on how to Introduce, Cite, and Explain your quotations or evidence in the body of your paper: It’s a method known as I.C.E. : Introduce: Introduce the quote before providing it. Sometimes this is as simple as “Author X states” or some variation of that phrase. If it’s the first time you’re quoting an author, it’s a good idea to give the author’s full name, but you can rely on the surname in subsequent quotations. If there is context you’d like the reader to know about the source, it’s generally wise to provide that before the quote, as part of its introduction. Avoid using “says” when introducing quotations unless you are citing a speech, interview, or other spoken text; “writes,” “states,” “explains,” “argues,” etc. are better options. Explain: You should always take time to explain quotations, paraphrases, and other types of evidence that you include. Readers look for your analysis of evidence in academic writing, and without it, a reader may draw different conclusions about the relationship between evidence and claim than you do. This is why the basic format for making an argument in academic writing is claim –> evidence to support claim –> reasons why you think the evidence supports the claim. [Notice how this reflects your thesis statement structure.] The Explanation of a quote or paraphrase is where you’re showing the reader your critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to present your original ideas clearly and concisely. It is the part of the essay where you’re really presenting your original ideas and perspectives on a topic–that makes it very important!