Explain how one or more art historically valid interpretations of a work of art are generated from a consideration of form, context, style, materials, content, function, reception, and/or meaning (SLO 15). Talk about an interpretation of your chosen artwork that is pertinent to art history.Each student will research one artist and select one of their artworks to discuss in class. You will present a 10-minute presentation including a short biography of the artist, the original context for the artist & the selected artwork, and a critical analysis of one of their artworks using discipline-appropriate methods (themes of art) and terminology (overall style, art movement style, subject matter, context, content, et al). Your presentation must be a PowerPoint, Prezi, or pre-recorded video that is accompanied by a well-written, researched paper (3-5 pages) that you will read in class. This is a research-based presentation and you must have at least THREE (3) credible sources – a credible source has BOTH an author’s name and their research in the form of a bibliography, works cited, further reading, et al. One of your sources must be an art historically relevant interpretation of your selected artwork and explain how one or more art historically valid interpretations of a work of art are derived from an analysis of form, context, style, materials, content, function, reception, and/or meaning (SLO 15). The other sources must help you develop and support an art historical argument about the artwork (SLO 16). The presentation and paper must be submitted to Brightspace PRIOR to your scheduled presentation date. Your submission must include the written paper and the presentation. You must cite your sources using MLA or Chicago Manual of Style format and include a proper bibliography. Knowing how to write a formal analysis of a work of art is a fundamental skill learned in an art appreciation-level class. Students in art history survey and upper-level classes further develop this skill. Use this sheet as a guide when writing a formal analysis paper. Consider the following when analyzing a work of art. Not everything applies to every work of art, nor is it always useful to consider things in the order given. In any analysis, keep in mind: HOW and WHY is this a significant work of art?