Write some general things about the educational purposes of the games and at the end it will present some statistics obtained from using the game we made before.

Words: 224
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

The thesis is divided into 2 parts. The first is the implementation of a game similar to SQL Island ( https://sql-island.informatik.uni-kl.de/ ) where by clicking on a database, it will ask the user for simple commands in SQL to find the data requested from him. The app is for educational purposes so the commands will be quite simple. Generally a copy of SQL Island with different content in terms of the scenario (eg crime scene). The second part is the paper (4500 words) which will write some general things about the educational purposes of the games and at the end it will present some statistics obtained from using the game we made before. I submit quite similar work on which the structure of mine can be based. So you can click on the data I sent you to get a similar work but without the risk of plagiarism.

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