Pathophysiology Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?) History Explain what health problems the patient has (Has she/he been diagnosed with other diseases?)

Words: 297
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing, Pay For essay

Introduction (patient and problem) Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.)

Explain what the problem is (What was he/she diagnosed with, or what happened?) Introduce your main argument (What should you as a nurse focus on or do?)

Pathophysiology Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?) History Explain what health problems the patient has (Has she/he been diagnosed with other diseases?)

Detail any and all previous treatments (Has she/he had any prior surgeries or is he/she on medication?) Nursing Physical Assessment List all the patient’s health stats in sentences with specific numbers/levels (Blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation, etc.) Related Treatments

Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of his/her disease Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)

Explain what your goal is for helping the patient recover (What do you want to change for the patient?) Nursing Interventions Explain how you will accomplish your nursing goals, and support this with citations (Reference the literature)

Evaluation Explain how effective the nursing intervention was (What happened after your nursing intervention? Did the patient get better?) Recommendations Explain what the patient or nurse should do in the future to continue recovery/improvement.

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