Describe a situation with which you have first-hand familiarity. You may have been a major or minor actor in the situation, or you may have merely witnessed the situation.

Assignment Question

Describe a situation with which you have first-hand familiarity. You may have been a major or minor actor in the situation, or you may have merely witnessed the situation. In any event, the requirements are that the situation raises ethical issues and that you were there. Provide a description of the context within which the situation arose, including the industry, business practices, and other relevant issues, including team dynamics, personalities, etc. The description must be detailed and rich enough to allow the reader to get a clear sense of the ethical dilemma(s). (2 Pages) Ethical Situation: Company: BDO USA My title was Summer Audit Intern Situation: My ethical situation that I want to write about is the misuse of company time. During my 2023 summer internship at BDO, I would sometimes be compelled to overstate my time reporting for certain projects by around 30 to 45 minutes to be able to hit the goal of 40 hours of work. You could also include how I would take longer lunch breaks than the allowed 1 hour. Keep it simple, 2 pages max, no need of strong vocabulary and just describe the ethical dilemma, as this is just the context for a 8 page paper that I would be using for my analysis


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