Assignment Question
1318 Caroline Street Links to an external site. (starting at 16:30 on recording) Be sure to cover the following information and questions in your paper:
1. Name the owner or owner’s representative seeking the certificate, the property’s location, and the date of the building. Did anyone appear before the ARB to speak for the application?
2. What change was proposed? Why did the owner/representative seek the change (new construction, exterior alteration, repair, compatible use, etc.)?
3. Did any citizen speak to the ARB about the proposed change, either pro or con? What discussion occurred amongst the ARB members?
4. Identify and cite the appropriate criteria from the ordinance for consideration of the application, whether cited by the ARB or not. Some will not involve the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and some will have more than one criterion that applies.
5. Discuss whether the ARB’s actions were in accordance with the ordinance and/or the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards.
6. Did you agree with the process and outcome?