Write a paper identifying techniques that could be done to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline. Include free or low-cost techniques, as well as more in-depth, systemic-level techniques that can lead to change.

Assignment Question

Write a paper identifying techniques that could be done to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline. Include free or low-cost techniques, as well as more in-depth, systemic-level techniques that can lead to change. Be creative and concise. More specifically, please address the following points in your paper: Post must be complete sentences and thought out. Separate your answers per section. Each section should be 150-250 words. Make sure to cite or give credit if you are referencing someone else’s work. Explain the school-to-prison pipeline and why we should be concerned with this topic (2 point) Describe at least two free or low-cost solutions/techniques. I am interested in things that could be done today to address this topic (3 points) Describe systemic influences that have “caused” or contributed to the school to prison pipeline. Describe techniques or solutions that would disrupt the pipeline, and specify how you propose to disrupt the pipeline (3 points) Peer Comment. Comment on 2 Peer Posts. (2 Points) Chapter 13,14,15

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