How can we best understand neurodevelopmental diversity?

There are two psychology essays questions, 1000 words each.

1) How can we best understand neurodevelopmental diversity? In your answer you should discuss at least two neurodevelopmental conditions, and reference theory and evidence. (1000)

2) What should be done to prevent the development of eating disorders? Justify your response using the critical evaluation of empirical evidence. (1000)

I have uploaded some lecture notes and recommended readings from my professors (widers readings are required), marking criterias (aiming to receive marks above 80), and instructions (only for eating disoder). As I am studying in the UK, the school always have harsh marking and high standard in essays writing. I really hope you can help me to receive as high marks as you can. There are two psychology essays questions, 1000 words each.

1) How can we best understand neurodevelopmental diversity? In your answer you should discuss at least two neurodevelopmental conditions, and reference theory and evidence. (1000)

2) What should be done to prevent the development of eating disorders? Justify your response using the critical evaluation of empirical evidence. (1000)

I have uploaded some lecture notes and recommended readings from my professors (widers readings are required), marking criterias (aiming to receive marks above 80), and instructions (only for eating disoder). As I am studying in the UK, the school always have harsh marking and high standard in essays writing. I really hope you can help me to receive as high marks as you can.

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