Discuss any factors or limitations that may influence the interpretation of the results.

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InstructionsUsing your ADE Proposal and Manuscript Template (school-specific) and guidance from your Chair, report your findings in a way that is consistent with your methodology and aligned with your problem, purpose, and questions. As always, ask your Chair for additional guidance.Length: Varies. Consult your ADE Proposal and Manuscript Template (school-specific) and your Chair.References: Use appropriate references to support your work. All citations must have corresponding references in correct APA format. See Section 3 of manuscript for detailed instructions: Only complete the following parts of section 3 in this assignmentSection 3: Findings, Implications, and RecommendationsBegin writing here…Checklist:☐ Begin by restating the purpose of the study and practice-based problem,☐ Explain the organization of the section.☐ Discuss any factors or limitations that may influence the interpretation of the results.FindingsBegin writing here…Checklist:☐ Provide a descriptive summary of the participant demographic characteristics gathered. Demographic frequency tables may be included as an appendix. Ensure no potentially identifying information is reported and no identifying demographic characteristics are aligned with participant codes.☐ Briefly discuss the overall study. Organize the presentation of the results by the research question(s) or hypothesis(es).☐ Objectively report the results of the analysis without discussion, interpretation, or speculation.☐ For qualitative studies, clearly identify the means by which the four criteria for trustworthiness of the data were established (credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability). Discuss credibility (e.g., triangulation, member checks), transferability (e.g., the extent to which the findings are generalizable to other situations), dependability (e.g., an in-depth description of the methodology and design to allow the study to be repeated), and confirmability (e.g., the steps to ensure the data and findings are not due to participant and/or researcher bias).☐ For quantitative studies, explain the extent to which the data meet the assumptions of the statistical test and identify any potential factors that might impact the interpretation of the findings. Provide evidence of the psychometric soundness (i.e., adequate validity and reliability) of the instruments from the literature as well as in this study (as appropriate). Do not merely list and describe all the measures of validity and reliability.☐ Mixed methodology studies should include discussions for both the trustworthiness of the data as well as validity and reliability.☐ The length of the Findings subsection will vary by study. Please consult your Chair for length expectations.Research Question 1 / Hypothesis 1Text…Checklist:☐ Report all the results salient to the research question or hypothesis without discussion. Results are to be presented per the conventions of the study design and method utilized and within APA guidelines.☐Use tables and/or figures to report the results , as appropriate .☐ For quantitative studies, report any additional descriptive information as appropriate. Identify the assumptions of the statistical test and explain how you tested the extent to which the data met these assumptions. Report any violations and describe how they were managed as appropriate. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis and include relevant test statistics, p values, and effect sizes in accordance with APA requirements.☐ For qualitative studies , describe the coding schema used in analysis to generate the themes and categories. For qualitative findings, include thick descriptions of the participants’ experiences as brief quote excerpts to illustrate thematic findings. Include a coding schema as an appendix as required by your Chair.☐ For mixed methodology studies, include all of the above

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