Outline the major reasons for resistance to change and explain a few of the reasons why efforts to change

Words: 201
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Compose a dialogue that integrates Bible scriipture and transcends all aspects of the following questions comprehensively and collectively as a single post.
1. Outline the major reasons for resistance to change and explain a few of the reasons why efforts to change organizations often fail. (WLO 2)
2. Blanchard and Hodges (2005) stated “Without God-grounded confidence, we set up elaborate defenses to protect our always-at-risk sense of security and self-worth” (p.48). This statement describes an important dynamic that is at work when the EGO affliction is present. Later, in the book, this concern is linked to other concepts – pride and fear. How are pride and fear related to one’s sense of security and self-worth? What is it that God gives us to develop the confidence to overcome fear and pride? (WLO 1)

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