Was Mona right about the promotion?

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Hosp2040 Week7 Case- The Job Opening To add some guidance to the questions please read the following 1. Was Mona right about the promotion? Yes? No? Maybe? Fully explain your response. Use Depth details and description in your answer. Can be 2-3+ paragraphs. Cite Chapter and page #’s usedto develop your response 2. What mistakes were made by Debbie? Fully explain your response. Use Depth details and description in your answer. Can be 2-3+ paragraphs.Cite Chapter and page #’s used to develop your response 3. What should Debbie do to resolve the situation.Fully explain your response. Use Depth details and description in your answer. Can be 4+ paragraphs.Cite Chapter and page #’s used to develop your response Don´t forget to use HR theory and concepts in your responses. Especially #3. Remember the objective is to solve the case. The Textbook for the Course is Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 13th edition by Susan Verhulst and David Decent

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