Research the concept managing dependencies.

Words: 229
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Research the concept managing dependencies. Read the scenario below and prepare the plan to address it. Scenario: You are managing the team of cross-functional managers. The task is to ensure that a consent to be contacted via automatic dialer on mobile phones is captured for new and existing customers/clients. Customers/clients can call, use company’s web site, and/or email with their requests. The consent needs to be properly stated, recorded, displayed on various interfaces, and stored in the database. Customers/clients should be allowed to change the consent (from “yes” to “no” or from “no” to yes”). Issues to consider and address in your submission (additionally, you may include any other applicable information in your assignment): What data will you ask for to manage the situation and drive results? What additional resources will you need to manage the situation and drive results? What tool will you use to track the progress and dependencies?

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