Write a literary analysis for the book The name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

Words: 232
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Write a literary analysis for the book The name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

THESIS: Easily identifiable, plausible, original, insightful, and narrow, with a clear break down of your essay’s focus: /20

ANALYSIS: Makes thoughtful and original observations of The Name of the Wind. Analysis demonstrates superior understanding of student-chosen symbol, theme, character, etc. and purpose in the novel. Relates characters or themes to the literary work as a whole. Avoids extended plot summary: /40
USE OF EVIDENCE: Evidence from The Name of the Wind supports every point with at least one example, and each supporting paragraph uses one briefly-quoted passage. Excellent integration of direct quotes into sentences with correct parenthetical citations and Works Cited page. Relates evidence to topic sentences and thoroughly explains significance of evidence. Student’s voice clearly controls the use of evidence; quotes support thesis rather than stand-in for the thesis: /20
STYLE & MECHANICS: Precise diction and varied sentence structure. Excellent control of grammar and mechanics.

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