Attached is a state-level cross-sectional data set containing observations from one time period (multiple-period observation would have made this a panel). A dictionary is provided.
Using the dataset provided, examine and test the relationships between several variables. In general, your statistical outputs should be titled and labeled so that they can stand on their own (and can be understood by anyone who looks at them for the first time).
1. Produce and export at least one correlation table or correlation chart. A correlation chart is diagnostic, and should not be larger than 5 variables for reporting purposes. Why is this? Provide several sentences describing the key analytical findings.
2. Produce and export at least one regression table. You may pick your own outcome and predictor variables. How does regression analysis differ from correlation analysis? Provide several paragraphs discussing the key results. It is recommended that you export tables using one of the table-exporting command.
Submit a Word document that examines parts 1 and 2 and a R scriipt file.