Write a paper analyzing assigned primary sources on the central government’s size, scope, and power.

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Write a paper analyzing assigned primary sources on the central government’s size, scope, and power. The paper will focus on pertinent and assigned sections of Tocqueville. The student will use parenthetical citations as needed and will provide a bibliography in proper current Turabian format. Tocqueville must be the only source. The paper must begin with the student’s name and the date in the upper right-hand corner, followed by a space, and then the beginning of the paper itself. These issues will generally fall under the aegis of the central government’s size/scope/power. The student must briefly (in no more than 1.5 pages) overview Tocqueville’s content and ideas and then apply what he/she has learned about this era of American politics to his/her views. According to Tocqueville, what is the American conception of government? What is its role in the lives of citizens? Is his assessment is accurate? This is an academic paper, and the student must follow the academic standards of writing. Furthermore, this is not a summary. The student is not simply restating what Tocqueville wrote. De Tocqueville: vol. 2, CHS. 4, 7–8 = Tocqueville_1532-02_EN_EBk_v6.0.pdf (Attached File)

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