What kinds of challenges are they addressing (and how) in areas of border, aviation, maritime, critical infrastructure, agriculture, cyber, public transportation and other security areas we cover in this course?

Words: 204
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Comparison Choose 3 U.S. states (e.g. “Florida, Ohio and Massachusetts”) and write a comparative  analysis about the similarities and differences reflected in their homeland security strategies, state-level emergency responseorganizations and initiatives. Specific questions to consider addressing in this paper include: Are their strategies clear and comprehensive, and how do their organizational structures compare? How do they prepare their citizens for responding effectively following a crisis? Do any of them focus adequately on resilience? What kinds of challenges are they addressing (and how) in areas of border, aviation, maritime, critical infrastructure, agriculture, cyber, public transportation and other security areas we cover in this course? What deficiencies and significant challenges do you see? Finally, based on your analysis, what lessons can be drawn for U.S. homeland security professionals nationwide, and why?

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