The effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults

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Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

For this class, you will be required to write a research paper. This paper will be a maximum of 8 pages long (12 point font Times New Roman, double spaced, 1” margins, not including the cover and reference page, include subheadings, and the file name should be saved as lastname.firstname.HSC410). Please choose from 1 of the 6 different topics described below. Your paper should have a cover page, and four sections (introduction, body, conclusion, and references).A detailed description of the expectations for each topic is provided below.
Your paper will need to include at least 8 references to support your assertions. Journal articles are preferable, however if you use websites, generally .gov, .org or .edu sites are more reputable. Only three website citations can be used as sources. Wikipedia or blogs are not acceptable sources and you will not get credit for them! You may use your textbook for one citation.
When you use a reference, paraphrase then cite. Avoid the use of direct quotes if possible. If you need to use them, less than 5% of your paper should be direct quotes.
Organize your paper as follows (include these headings or any subheadings that will help you organize your paper):
I)Introduction (~1/2 page):

Introduce the topic you selected for your paper. The introduction should give some background information regarding why the topic is important or relevant. Include a thesis statement which will serve as a foundation for the remainder of your paper.
II)Body (~4- 5 pages):
Write up the content of your research. Include information relevant to the questions/research ideas suggested for each topic. Cite in text where you report any reference to outside sources.
III) Conclusions (~1/2 page): Summarize the main points of your paper.
IV)References- Please cite in text and provide a list of references used in APA or AMA style formatting.

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