Explain 3 principles of democracy and give examples of how they are flourishing in the U.S and where they are lacking.

Words: 233
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

1. Explain 3 principles of democracy and give examples of how they are flourishing in the U.S and where they are lacking. 3 principles are Popular Sovereignty, Political Equality, & Political Liberty ( The first 4 pages that were sent as files, are about the 3 principles )2.where do you see the three principles present or absent in the various provisions of the U.S. Constitution?3.Define the various roles of interest groups that play in our political system and how they advance and how they hinder democracy.  Again, use the three principles and give specific examples. ( The 5th page talks about interest groups )4.Define various roles that the supreme court plays in our political system, how they advance democracy, and how they hinder it to use the three principles and give specific examples. ( pages. that say deciding cases and norms of operation are part of roles ) 5.do you think the U.S. is democratic enough?  What one single area do you think could be improved?

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