In a final paper, explain how capitalism’s ecological destruction is linked to your choice of either of the following issues: (1) the degradation of women or (2) the increasing rates of global pandemics.

Words: 180
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

In a final paper, explain how capitalism’s ecological destruction is linked to your choice of either of the following issues: (1) the degradation of women or (2) the increasing rates of global pandemics. In order to address this issue, choose any two thinkers from weeks 3 and 4 (i.e., Federici, Foster, and/or Michael Friedman) whose work will be the basis for explaining capitalism’s ecological destruction and how it connects to your chosen issue.You will need to address the following:How does capitalism destroy the environment?How does that environmental destruction link to your chosen issue?How does each theorist help develop our understanding of that connection?

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