Assume you work for a company that has a sexual antiharassment policy, but not a religious, sexual orientation, or racial antiharassment policy. Write a six- to eight-page detailed memo to your boss (the HR Director) as to why you believe it would make sense to revamp the company policies to include these and or other forms of harassment. I

Words: 196
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Assume you work for a company that has a sexual antiharassment policy, but not a religious, sexual orientation, or racial antiharassment policy. Write a six- to eight-page detailed memo to your boss (the HR Director) as to why you believe it would make sense to revamp the company policies to include these and or other forms of harassment. Include one example of a real situation where a policy may have protected a company from liability or stopped harassment from happening. (You can find case examples on the EEOC website (Links to an external site.).) Cite that case/situation in your memo to your boss.Answer the questions attached in one to two paragraphs each. Do not write a book. Answer the questions succinctly.

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