What are the political, psychosocial, and economic ramifications of this phenomenon in the United States?

Words: 148
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Questions-4. HIV disease has become a chronic condition in the current century. In this context, what are the psychosocial challenges faced by persons living with HIV and those living with AIDS? How best can these challenges be addressed by persons living with HIV and/or AIDS, care providers, and society?5. Feminization of AIDS in the United States and elsewhere is noted. What are the political, psychosocial, and economic ramifications of this phenomenon in the United States? Does this have any bearing on AIDS activism, financing, research and search for a cure? Explain your understanding of this phenomenon with supportive evidence.Answers will be evaluated for accuracy, relevance, logical flow of ideas, and appropriate supportive evidence from the literature. Ensure that sources are cited in the body of your essay. References should be from peer-reviewed professional literature with a publishing date of 2011 or later, except for historical perspective. Professional references include journals, monographs and reputable professional newsletters with citations included in the text. Books (including the required text), magazines, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and newspapers can be used, but cannot count towards the required number of references for each essay. Each essay should have a minimum of five primary peer-reviewed professional references. Each reference can be cited only once in the Bibliography/List of References.

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