Describe the outside and inside appearance of the building, giving special attention to particularly important symbols and distinctive architectural features.

Words: 494
Pages: 2
Subject: Uncategorized

Which individual or individuals(group) formed the religious institution? What is the date of their establishment and purpose/mission for formation? General Information: Describe the outside and inside appearance of the building, giving special attention to particularly important symbols and distinctive architectural features. Then describe the way visitors are greeted, and the sort of people in this group -their apparent social class, lifestyle type, ethnic background, average age, gender, and approximate number present. Describe in the same way the leadership conducting the service. Account of the Service: Describe what happened in the service from beginning to end. Try to give some sense of the emotional tone and subjective spiritual meaning of the activity. For example, was the opening dramatic or casual? Was the congregational participation emotional or reserved? Was much of the service spontaneous? Did it seem to be ancient ritual or contemporary? Analysis: Analyze the worship experience in terms of the three forms of religious expression: theoretical (teaching), practical (worship), and sociological. •Theoretical. What, essentially, does this religion teach? As far as you could tell from this one experience, from the sermon, practices, symbols, and so on, what seems to be the main message of this religion? You may need to distinguish between what was “officially” said in the creeds, and what really seemed to be most important to the people in the congregation as they took part. •Practical. What was the basic nature of the worship? Formal or informal, old or new, structured or spontaneous, intellectual or emotional, or something of all of these. What message about how this group conceives of the role of religion, and the best way for humans to build bridges to Ultimate Reality, did this worship communicate? •Sociological. What kind of group was it? As well as you could tell from this one experience, was it close-knit or diffuse? Was this group composed of mostly people drawn to the religion by family or ethnic ties, or mostly committed converts of different backgrounds? What role did the priest or leader play? What message did you get from the religious experience that was communicated by the nature of the group? Optional. You may also conduct an interview with a religious practitioner(s) from the religious setting. If you choose to do so,incorporate your interview at the end of your Analysis section of your paper by using a dialogue format for the interview portion of the paper. Conclusion: How would you summarize your interpretation of this group in terms of the three forms of religious expression?

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