BACKGROUND:Physical War is governed by several conventions and treaties, including the Hague Convention (1907), the United Nations Charter, Article 2 (1945), and the Geneva Convention (1949). Requirements for conventional warfare include a formal declaration, time period for a response, and a moderated response to limited hostile actions.The same constraints and limitations for physical combat may not be realistic in a virtual battlefield due to the nature of cyber-attack vectors and integration of critical infrastructure.ASSIGNMENT:For this assignment, answer the following:1)Describe the issues between conventional warfare and Cyber Warfare from the standpoint of limited operations, declaration of war, and determining when hostile actions have been initiated.2)Describe the process for declaring war based on a cyber act of hostility verses a physical act of hostility.3)Given a hostile nation attack (theoretical or with proof of a past event) upon the US Power Grid and Telecommunications systems, what would be an appropriate measured response?