Bredin argues that Aboriginal media in Canada emerged in a neocolonial context. What does this mean, and why is this important?

Words: 209
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Kozolanka et al. argue that the Canadian context in which alternative media emerge is uniquely defined by five characteristics. Identify them, and briefly describe each.Kozolanka et al. argue that alternative media are defined by three key characteristics: structure, participation, and activism. Define each of these characteristics in terms of their significance to alternative media in Canada.Bredin identifies at least three key characteristics that distinguish Aboriginal media from other media. Identify and describe each.Bredin argues that Aboriginal media in Canada emerged in a neocolonial context. What does this mean, and why is this important?What does Karim argue is one of the major reasons for the existence of ethnic media?Using Karim’s article as a guide, what is the significance of civic pluralism, third space, and public sphericules in relation to ethnic media?

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