Barney describes the state’s role in a post-Fordist society as both withdrawing from society and as interventionist. What does he mean by this?

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What are the three main elements of a network? Briefly describe each.Briefly describe what Barney means by post-industrialism.Briefly describe what Barney means by information society.Barney describes the state’s role in a post-Fordist society as both withdrawing from society and as interventionist. What does he mean by this?Briefly describe what Barney means by postmodernism.What are the two fundamental characteristics of a network society?Manuel Castells (see Barney’s article “Chapter 1, Network Societies”) identifies five attributes of network societies. What are they?According to Papacharissi, what are the differences between (i) audiences and publics? (ii) citizens and consumers? (iii) consumers and producers?What does Papacharissi mean by convergence of practices? Be thorough in your answer.How do Nafus and Sherman defend their argument that Quantitative Selfers offer a form of resistance to power relations established by big data? Identify at least five possible arguments.

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