Find a recent article (within the last six months) that discusses fiscal policy, budget deficits, or the national debt.BusinessWeek, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal are good magazines to find articles.

Words: 210
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Find a recent article (within the last six months) that discusses fiscal policy, budget deficits, or the national debt.BusinessWeek, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal are good magazines to find articles. Do look closely at the date of the article so that is current. Each student submission needs to be a unique source article (cannot be an article that another student has posted which will be points deduction).Write standard English grammar and punctuation.1. Summary of article: one paragraph (several sentences)2. Analysis (1-2 sentences per bullet point)Elaborate: What is the concept in the article? How does this concept relate to other concepts?Distinctiveness: How is this concept different from other concepts?Personal: How does this relate to your own personal experience?Application: How can you apply this concept?3. Reference your article in APA format

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