Write a paper on how this final reflection activity will challenge students to reflect on their learning about the culture of addictions in this course.

Words: 223
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Write a paper on how this final reflection activity will challenge students to reflect on their learning about the culture of addictions in this course. It is important that students have the ability to adequately connect to the learning they have engaged in, as well as critically think about these ideas. Some of the information may may challenge current opinions, perspectives and attitudes, and other topics could better inform students about the key issues related to addiction in our society. The biopsychosocial model of addiction is imperative to understand positive outcomes for mental health and substance use disorders. Provide a critical reflection on this statement by agreeing or disagreeing. How does understanding this perspective personally increase your awareness of the complexity of addiction? Some helpful tips for an excellent critical reflection: Be specific, very specific about topics, content you are discussing Use details that demonstrate your knowledge of course material

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