What messages does this story send about womanhood? (Note: please don’t summarize my thoughts in the lecture. This should be an opportunity for you to express your own critical interpretation of the story

Words: 263
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

This post must be 250 words to receive credit, demonstrate you’ve completed the lecture and reading. You must use at least two quotes from the reading in your responses.

Part 1: In 100 words or more, summarize the main ideas from the week 2 Links to an external site. lecture and readings. Please watch the lecture linked here. Links to an external site.

Part 2: In 100 words or more, analyze the way femininity is portrayed in the The Little Mermaid.

What messages does this story send about womanhood? (Note: please don’t summarize my thoughts in the lecture. This should be an opportunity for you to express your own critical interpretation of the story. You can build upon anything I’ve mentioned if you find it useful, but you don’t have to; either way this discussion post should demonstrate your own original response to this question.)

Part 3: Pick a quote from one of the readings this week that you find interesting. In 50 words or more, tell me what you find interesting about it. What do you notice about the way it’s written? Why is it important to the story?

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