Explain why it is so important to represent the organizations interests see exhibit 1.8 What are some possible consequences of not doing so? Please answer the above question with the instruction below. Please no plagiarism, and ENSURE that this document is in APA format.

Words: 246
Pages: 1
Subject: Essay writing help

Assume that you are either the staffing professional in the department or the hiring manager of a work unit.

Explain why it is so important to represent the organizations interests see exhibit 1.8 What are some possible consequences of not doing so? Please answer the above question with the instruction below. Please no plagiarism, and ENSURE that this document is in APA format.

Each ethical application must be a minimum of 600 words of original discussion and analysis, not counting the cover or reference pages.

The responses to each ethical application must be supported by at least:
o 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.
the course textbook.( Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller: Staffing Organizations)
o substantive Biblical integration
The biblical integration should be sufficiently integrated throughout the narrative.
The APA-formatted citations must be included throughout the narrative.
Every paragraph in the responses must include sufficient scholarly, peer-reviewed research support and Biblical support.
Each paragraph should be fully developed.
There must be a cover page and reference page in current APA format.
Organize content under Level 1 headings.


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