An essay defining the topics outlined below and applying them to the companies ( Nokia vs Apple) providing at least one example in each topic. These examples can be positive outcomes or negative outcomes
a. The benefits of strategic management and the basic model of strategic management and its components.
b. How globalization and environmental sustainability influence strategic management.
c. The factors that act as stimuli for strategic change.
d. Strategic auditing as a method for analyzing corporate activities and functions for strategic decision making.
e. Trends in business management and the relationship between corporate social responsibility and performance.
Nokia vs. Apple (iPhone)
Survived: Apple
• Disappeared: Nokia (as a leader in mobile phones)
• Reason: Nokia underestimated the impact of smartphones and didn’t innovate enough in software. Apple, with its strategic vision and focus on design and usability, transformed the mobile industry
The essay must have at leat 5 pages APA 7 edition a table of content and at least 4 references.