What concept or notion, regarding the phenomenon of corruption itself, studied in the Anti-Corruption course, intrigued you the most?

Words: 395
Pages: 2
Subject: Write My Paper

International Business Law


Assignment: groups of two/three students (unless preference for individual work)

Question 1: What concept or notion, regarding the phenomenon of corruption itself, studied in the Anti-Corruption course, intrigued you the most? Explain what you learned, how your understanding has evolved and your current point of view. (10 pts)

Question 2: Your organization, specialized in the development and construction of public infrastructures, is a public operator in the UAE that regularly forms partnerships with multinationals domiciled in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) free zone. Assigned to the legal department, you are informed, following an indiscretion, that one of your superiors has just received a VIP ticket for the next Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Grand Prix which will allow him to benefit from a very comfortable private box with the assurance of being able to obtain private meetings with the best drivers in the paddock. Intrigued, you realize that he also has a payment card granted to him by a Dutch company, established in the UAE, a business partner of your organization in several ongoing projects, allowing him to stay and dine with his family in some of the most famous places in the Arabian Peninsula. You even noticed, when consulting some past contracts, that this Dutch company benefited from fairly favorable treatment during a commercial dispute opposing it to your organization. Your superior would have thus allocated part of these gains in order to “convince” a civil servant of the European Union in view of obtaining a new public contract in Europe. Apparently ill-prepared to respond to this type of situation, your CEO – to whom you have shared your difficulties – asks you, on the one hand, to enlighten him on the risks incurred by the organization and the employee concerned and, on the other hand, on the means of preventing this type of situation in the future internally within the framework of the company’s compliance tools. (10 pts)

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