Explain how you would address issues related to sexism and diverse beliefs about gender and gender roles in your social work practice.

Words: 279
Pages: 2
Subject: Order Essay

To prepare:
Critically reflect on your socialization into your culture and the messages you received in early life about gender and gender roles.
SUBMIT 1- to 2-page written journal or 4- to 5-minute video or audio journal in which you reflect on the messages you have received from your family or cultural group, the media, and others regarding gender and gender roles. Be sure to:
Analyze how these messages have influenced your experience with gender and how they may influence you as a practitioner.
Explain how you would address issues related to sexism and diverse beliefs about gender and gender roles in your social work practice.
Explain the importance of separating personal and professional values. Provide an example to illustrate this importance.
If you integrate the Learning Resources, make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.

Marsiglia, F. F., Kulis, S. S., & Lechuga-Peña, S. (2021). Diversity, oppression, and change: Culturally grounded social work (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Chapter 3, “The Intersectionality of Race and Ethnicity With Other Factors” (pp. 46–64)
Read the “Gender” and “Sexual Orientation” sections.
Chapter 9, “Gender” (pp. 182–209)
Chapter 10, “Sexual Orientation” (pp. 210–235)
Chapter 11, “Cultural Norms and Social Work Practice” (pp. 239–259)
Read the “Gender and Sexual Orientation” section.


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