Define the types and specific roles of behavioral health practitioners, including that of the clinical Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Counselor, Social Worker, Psychologist.

Words: 200
Pages: 1
Subject: Write My Paper

Define the types and specific roles of behavioral health practitioners, including that of the clinical Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Counselor, Social Worker, Psychologist. What is collaborative mental health care? Why is professional collaboration crucial to the treatment of mental health issues and disorders? Give a specific case example. How does knowledge and usage of the DSM 5 TR diagnostic system promote successful collaboration among mental health professionals, as well as human service and integrated behavioral health care systems? Your textbook addresses some basic psychopharmacological information under the topic of “Biology-Based Treatment Techniques.” What are the major classifications of medication used to treat mental health issues and disorders? Define each one and list the name of a commonly prescribed medication in each classification.


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