Conduct background research on how children acquire language skills. Dive into reading and research to learn even more about this developmental process.

Words: 263
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Conduct background research on how children acquire language skills. Dive into reading and research to learn even more about this developmental process.

Create a Storyboard using the the medium Canva . You may also use other mediums such as Prezi, Power

Point, or Google Slides.

Tracing the main process of language development, create/develop a story using at least two or more characters/ persons to illustrate your understanding of language development.

Ex: Storyboard illustrating a mother, father or caregiver over time interacting with and nurturing their child throughout this day-to-day language development process. This should be done in no more than 12 slides (excluding the title and reference slides-optional) to highlight your story.

Within the narration, use a written script on each slide in addition to the dialogue between characters to guide the reader, of your story elements in order to ensure that your reader is following your story and that you are clearly describing how children acquire, practice and develop language skills. This is an opportunity to be creative in your application of what has been learned! No two storyboards will be alike so have fun with it!

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