Write a response answering ONE of the questions below. Try and look and think of the story critically.

Words: 253
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a response answering ONE of the questions below. Try and look and think of the story critically. Do not do any outside research for these questions, merely your own opinions as supported by reason and evidence from within the story using quotations. Please indicate which question you are answering on the front of your response (1, 2, etc.). Remember that this is an argument and not a summary. Your audience is already very familiar with the story, so it’s not necessary to go over the story’s sequence.

Assignment Requirements:

Response must be from 200-300 words. Shorter responses will receive an F. 1/2 length responses are void.
Response must have a clear, arguable thesis—in bold type—that employs strong verbs (avoid passives and helper verbs) and is free from vague language.
One grade penalty for thesis statements over 13 words.
One grade penalty for a list thesis.
One grade penalty if the thesis ends in a question mark.
Avoid passive verb constructions (Jill is loved by Jack.) and helper verbs (students have been doing texting).
Avoid conditional language (can, might, possibly, etc.)
Automatic F for 1st (I, my, we, our, us, etc.) or 2nd (you, your). Write in 3rd person.
Automatic F for not integrating arguments with quotations (no drop quotes or introduced quotes allowed). Make sure you quote accurately (and not take them out of context) or I will conclude an AI hallucinated your quote. One hallucinated quote fails the assignment.
Automatic F for responses without MLA citations (in-text and works cited entries, which must include the type and medium).
One grade penalty for incorrect type and medium identifications. You must have made a good-faith effort to correctly identify the source type according to the handouts in class and your own research into identifying and evaluating sources.
Write concisely. Cut unnecessary words. Overly long and complicated sentences obscuring meaning.

Discuss Mildred’s exclamation against reading on page 73, “Books aren’t people. You read and I look all around, but there isn’t anybody!” Remember her fascination with the TV walls.
Faber tells that what Montag is searching for is not in books, but found elsewhere. Elaborate on his meaning and discuss why books are the most common receptacle.
Discuss the concept of leisure as Faber presents it, giving examples of the lack of it in the society of the novel and comparing it to the present day.
Faber discusses the death of newspapers, why is it no one wants them back? Do people in the story care about the news at all? With our own technology, are we moving towards the same thing?
Analyze this quote, by Faber on page 89, “Those who don’t build must burn.”
Discuss politics in the book, and compare it to the present day.
Why does Mrs. Phelps react the way she does to the poem?
Faber suggests that people have all forgotten about the knowledge, yet Beatty has a surprising command of it. Why? What are the implications of this?
Write on a subject of your own choosing based on something you find interesting or compelling within the story—ideas, theme, characters, etc.

answer this question ” Faber discusses the death of newspapers, why is it no one wants them back? Do people in the story care about the news at all? With our own technology, are we moving towards the same thing?”

please add integrating arguments with quotations and not drop quotes or introduced quotes.
please for the thesis make it 13 words or less in bold. all the sentences should be less than 18 words also.
MLA citations (in-text and works cited entries, which must include the type and medium).

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