Pizza Food Truck Business plan- Create a business plan for a proposed small business venture.

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Pages: 1
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Create a business plan for a proposed small business venture. The plan will include your charts, graphs, matrices, and assessments as appendices. Remember that your research is critical for the support of every aspect of your analysis. Follow APA to cite your sources in-text and on the References page. The plan should include: Executive Summary

I. Introduction
Name of business
Nature of business Name of principals
Statement of financing need

II. Industry Analysis
Future outlook and trends SWOT Analysis
Analysis of competitors Market segmentation Industry forecast

III. Description of Venture Product/Service
Mission/Vision Statement
Equipment and personnel needs Background experience of entrepreneur

IV. Marketing Plan Pricing

V. Organizational Plan
Form of ownership
Management team
Role and responsibilities

VI. Operating Plan
Physical facility
Supply chain and inventory management

VI. FinancialPlan
Pro forma balance sheet

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