Please read the uploaded scanned chapter before completing this assignment. This chapter is
from The Collected Schizophrenias by Esmé Weijun Wang, who is an award-winning author
who also has schizoaffective disorder. Please type your answers onto this document.
1. How does Esme Wang’s description of and opinion on the National Alliance for Mental
Illness (NAMI) differ from Otto F. Wahl’s?
2. Esme Wang discusses how public perceptions of depression differs from public
perceptions of schizophrenia. According to the text: what are depression and
schizophrenia commonly compared to? How may these comparisons influence how we
think about schizophrenia versus other mental health diagnoses?
3. After reading Chapter 15 in your textbook, the chapter of Media Madness, and now this
moment – how they’re portrayed in media, thought of by the general population, and how
they impact an individual and their family’s lives.
In about half a page or more (non-double-spaced), please write about how your idea of
schizophrenia and psychosis has changed over the course of this unit.