
Words: 352
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Animal-assisted therapy is an emerging field in the mental health profession. Research indicates that animal-assisted therapy provides physical, physiological, and psychological health benefits to our health and well- being. The purpose of this final exam is to offer continued explanation and reflection upon the role animals play in humans’ lives and to discuss effective animal-assisted therapy programs and the benefits to specific populations. TASK: The task of this final exam is to compose an essay that gives a review of the questions listed below. This reflective essay will highlight your learnings from the course and integrate three of the course readings through quoting the sources in your paper. A rubric will be provided for this final exam. There will be no makeups for a missed exam unless there is an officially documented emergency. The essay should address the following questions: 1. What are your greatest “take-aways” from this course?; 2. What have you learned about the important ethical, safety and logistical issues involved in AAT and how animal activities can be integrated with evidence-based methods to enhance client’s health, learning, and growth?; 3. What has surprised you the most about animal-assisted interventions?) 4. Successful animal-assisted therapy programs in the United States (discuss three programs) pertaining to canine and equine therapy; 5. What do you think the future holds for animal-assisted interventions?; 6. How have you grown as a student by taking this class (if at all)?; 7. Discuss a specific area of interest for you in animal-assisted therapy. Explain your area of interest, why it is of interest to you, what populations can benefit from your area of interest, and in what ways populations can benefit from your specific area of interest.

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