– “The views and experiences of LGBTQ+ people regarding midwifery care: A systematic review of the international evidence” – “LGBTQ+ new and expectant parents’ experiences of perinatal services during the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown” – “Who’s the Mom?”: Heterosexism in Patient-Provider Interactions of Queer Pregnant Couples”I would like all three of these papers to be appraised using a tool such as CASP to aid with this. As this is a dissertation there needs to be a certain structure to it, this is as follows:• Introduction – 1000 words – why topic was chosen, why it is relevant to current midwifery care, what a literature review is and why that method of writing was chosen etc.• Lit search/methodology – ?800 words – use subheadings – How question was developed – can use table for this e.g PICO but reference it.Tool being used i.e casp.Lit search – Boolean phrases etc – include why research outside of UK is being used – heteronormativity impacts not just healthcare but research in general which could explain a lack in research.• Critical appraisal – max 4000 words altogether. Do separate section for each paper.• Discussion – 1000 words. Themes that have derived from the appraisal.