What if anything did you find difficult about reading the findings and results section of the study?

Words: 115
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

INFECTIOUS DISEASE EPIDEMIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT (DOCTORATE LEVEL) This assignment focuses primarily on Calculating Measures of Analytic Epidemiology (Risk, Odds, t-tests, etc.). Find a research article looking at risk or odds in relation to a specific infectious disease. Use the attached STROBE instrument (/content/enforced/292644-042-2402C-PU650-01-2576645/PU640_DQ_Unit 6_STROBE_Template.docx) to evaluate the study. Attach the completed STROBE instrument and share an overview of the study as well as the findings. What if anything did you find difficult about reading the findings and results section of the study? Share a link to the study along with a full APA formatted reference. The initial response should be 250 words or more. • APA format references Time roman 12 font with 2.0 spacing

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