What symbols are used to communicate gender, race, class, occupation, and/or other identity categories?

Words: 226
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Instructions: Read Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. Choose a section where the writer makes the experience meaningful, striking, or revealing. Examine this section for evidence of revealing a depth that reaches beyond the poem. In 2-3 pages, address the following prompts/questions:

1.Name three literary tools used in this piece and briefly describe how they are used. Examples are theme, tone, mood, symbolism, foreshadowing, irony, imagery.
2.What does Frost tell us about the character at this moment? What does he leave out?
3.How does the character communicate (through words, gestures, or other means,) and what does he/she say?
4.How does the writer convey the character’s identity and culture? What symbols are used to communicate gender, race, class, occupation, and/or other identity categories?
5.How does this passage relate to the human experience overall? How do you relate as a reader?

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